Blizzard Entertainment
Our coverage of announcements for BlizzCon 2017.
by Oscar Portillo
Here are some of the biggest stories from Blizzards yearly convention.
Hearthstone's Next expansion will include a free single player mode. This is a dungeon run type of mode that will challenge the player against eight random bosses. Each time you defeat a boss in Dungeon Run you will earn new cards. Also, treasures are a new type of card, but since they are to powerful you can only use them against the AI. Blizzard also released for free, a pack of cards that is attached to your battle.net account.

Heroes of the Storm
Hanzo from Overwatch and Warcraft's Alexstrasza will be added to the game. Some updates to the game will be, adding voice chat, a refined camera and a rework on how stealth works.

A new Overwatch map is a Blizzard theme park inspired by Blizzard's games. A new Overwatch Hero was also revealed. Her name is Miora, which is a DPS healer with ties to Reapers past. New Overwatch skins and voice lines will be available as well. Based on Diablo,Starcraft,and Warcraft. Note, the skins and voice lines will be permanent. Meaning they are not tied to any event.

Starcraft II
Starting November 14th, PC players will be able to play starcraft 2 for free. Players will also be able to access the ranked multiplayer ladder. Blizzard has not forgotten the players that already own Starcraft. Blizzard states players will receive the games Heart of the Swarm Expansion. Players will need to log in between November 8th and December 8th to claim this freebie.
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft classic was announced, which is the game before any expansions. This is definitely in response to private servers that had to be shut down by Blizzard. World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth was also announced, the new level cap will be 120. This is the seventh expansion for World of Warcraft.